Which Type of Bed is Best for Dogs?

Posted on dddd 16 January 2024 Categories: Blog

Apart from receiving treats or chasing a ball, dogs love nothing more than having a good snooze in a comfy bed. But which type of bed is best for your dog to sleep in and are there alternatives for different situations?

Dogs need their down time as well as somewhere quiet and relaxing for them to get away from the hustle and bustle of the home.

When it comes to choosing the right bed for your dog, there are a few factors that you will need to consider before you go ahead and buy your pooches next cozy retreat.

The best place to put the dog bed

Dog beds are situational. So that means before you consider purchasing the dog bed, you will need to consider where the bed will be going.

personalised dog bed

Crate bed

Having a bed in a crate is vital as your dog is going to be spending a lot of their time. The type of dog bed best suited for a crate would be rectangular bed that fits well in your dogs crate.

Circular donut beds are not ideal for crates as they can become uncomfortable for your pooch.

Remember, the crate is your dog’s personal space. Making it as comfy as possible alongside their favourite toys and blankets will help them enjoy their space more.

Travelling with your dog

Taking your dog out on day trips out of your local area is great for both you and your dog. To take your dog from A to B comfortably, you’re going to want to invest in a bed that is comfortable but also washable.

A travel pad for the boot of your car can prove to be the best choice for owners taking their dogs on road trips. This type of bed is more absorbent in comparison to other beds on the market whilst still providing a good level of comfort for your dog.

Some of the best beds on the market for travelling are memory foam travel pads, ideal for taking your dog anywhere on the road.  The flat bed is also a really good travelling product because it is waterproof and can be folded in half for space saving reasons.

Routine Dog Bed

Dogs will ultimately like to lounge with their owners from time to time. Whether this in the living room or dining room, most dogs tend to enjoy their relaxation time alongside their loving owners.

When putting a dog bed anywhere in the house, you must consider factors that determine comfort:

  • Is there a draft where the dog bed is placed?
  • Is it warm enough?
  • Is it out of the way of foot fall?

This bed will be one of the most used beds in the house, so be sure to invest in a durable yet comfy bed that is also lightweight and transportable so it can be moved to other areas of the home.

Dogs needing special care

Just like humans, dogs sometimes require special care when it comes to their beds. Here are some cases where you may want to serious consider which bed type for your dog if they require special care:

Aches, pains and arthritis – Just like us, dogs suffer from aches and pains, especially when they get older. Ensure that you provide your dog with a bed that they can easily get out of and provides good support for their bones.

Timid or Scared dogs – If you have adopted a dog that is timid, or if your dog simply has a shy personality, an enclosed bed might be the best. Alternatively you can cover your dogs crate with a blanket (keeping the entrance clear), giving your dog a sense of security. Also consider a weighted blanket which are becoming very popular

Other factors when choosing the best dog bed

When it comes to deciding which dog bed is best for your dog and your home, there are a few more things you need to consider.

What material is it made from?

When thinking about buying a dog bed, consider the materials used. From the covers to the cushioning, think about how this is going to help not only your dog, but also make your own life easier.


Are they washable? A good dog bed cover will be easy to remove from the cushioning whilst also being washable.


The material needs to be soft and comfortable whilst being firm enough to support your dog. Cheaper beds tend to wear easily and lose support much quicker than beds that are built to last.

Caution: Although not as common, some beds come in wicker baskets. If your dog has a habit of chewing, the sharp pieces of the material used to make the basket could harm or choke your dog. 

The size of your dog

It goes without saying but bigger dogs require bigger beds. Note on that, consider the way your dog sleeps. Are they a curler or are they a stretcher?

Sometimes even bigger dogs prefer to curl up into a ball. Ensure that you give your dog the best bed that suits their size and sleep behaviours.

More than one dog?

Having multiple dogs in your home is a blessing, but they will always want to have their own beds. Their bed is their space and most of the time they want to keep it that way.

If you have multiple dogs in your home, it’s best to give them a bed each. Dogs can become territorial especially if you’re bringing a puppy into a home when you have a dog already. Check out our blog on How to Introduce a New Puppy to Your Dog.