About Us
People often ask me where I came up with the idea for pet rugs.
Well the answer is simple….. as a seasoned dog owner I just make products that make my life easier which in turn makes being with my dogs even more enjoyable. These products have been designed to ease and assist walking and travelling with our dogs and conceptually the design has come about by a need we have had which the market did not supply.
All of our creations are ‘inspired by Pets’
Everything we make we have personally tested at home with the help of Hugo the Leonberger and Albert our Cocker Spaniel. We have also ‘road tested’ our cat products with our team members cats Troy, Bailey and Roseabella.
Pet Rebellion has been in existence since 2009, when we decided to create the ‘Stop Muddy paws’ following a slip and trip incident with Hugo when he ran in from the garden and slipped on the towel that was there to collect the mud from his paws. The same can be said for the Defender which was designed to stop Hugo’s paws scratching the bumper of our car when he jumped in (and in later years we used a ramp for him so it was protection from the ramp.)
Albert can take sole credit for the Car Seat carpet. He loved travelling in the front of the car with Sarah when going puppy training and secured by a harness and seat belt it was clear we needed an invention to make his journey more comfortable, and to protect the seats in our car from scratches, wet paws and dog hair! It was very important that it was easy to fit with no clips and cords. So we went about designing such a product and after a few trials the Car Seat Carpet was born.
Ray Foard, Managing Director
So our designs and inventions are home grown, and we are proud to be able to share them with you.